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The Way of the Samurai
Author: Inazo Nitobe Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: This classic text by InazoNitobe defining the moral code of the warrior class or Samurai has had a hugeimpact both...
The Art of War
Author: Sun Tzu Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: The ancient Chinese general Sun Tzu is universally recognized as the greatest military strategist in history, a master of warfare...
The Communist Manifesto
Author: Karl Marx Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains.' Marx and Engels's revolutionary summons to the working classes - one...
The Art of Rhetoric
Author: Aristotle Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: Written around the time that Aristotle (384_322 BCE) established his own school in Athens, this is a guide to what was...
Author: Marcus Aurelius Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: The Meditations of the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius (121_180 CE) draw on Stoic philosophy to find ways of dealing with...
Beyond Good and Evil
Author: Frederich Nietzsche Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: After kicking open the doors to twentieth-century philosophy in Thus Spake Zarathustra, Friedrich Nietzsche refined his ideal of the superman...
The Dialogues of Socrates
Author: Plato Format: Paperback Number of Pages: Socrates' most dedicated student, Plato, offers a detailed and eye-opening account of the Socratic belief in one's own responsibility through Socrates' dialogue with...
Meditations on First Philosophy & Other Metaphysical Writings
Author: Frank Sewall
Format: Paperback / softback
Number of Pages:
Meditations is considered the fundamental and originating work of the modern era in Western philosophy.
The Book of Five Rings
Author: Miyamoto Musashi
Format: Paperback / softback
Number of Pages:
Considered a classic treatise on military strategy, much like Sun Tzu's The Art of War and Chanakya's Arthashastra.
Tibetan Book of the Dead
Author: Format: Paperback Number of Pages: One of the greatest works created by any culture and one of the most influential of all Tibetan Buddhist texts in the West, The...
The Analects
Author: Confucius Format: Paperback Number of Pages: The Analects are a collection of Confucius' sayings brought together by his pupils shortly after his death in 497 BC. Together they express...
This Life: Why Mortality Makes Us Free
Author: Martin Hagglund Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 464 'It is always lucid, and is at its heart remarkably simple. You could extract its essence and offer it to thirsty...
Zen Masters of Japan: The Second Step East
Author: Richard Bryan McDaniel Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 288 Zen Masters of Japan is the second book in a series that traces Zen's profoundly historic journey as it spread...
Living with the Gods: On Beliefs and Peoples
Author: Dr Neil MacGregor Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 512 The panoramic new history of belief from the celebrated author of A History of the World in 100 Objects. No...
Friendship & Other Essays
Author: Ralph Waldo Emerson
Format: Paperback / softback
Number of Pages: 144
Ralph Waldo Emerson is one of the most well-known American nature writers, essayists and poets.
On Liberty
Author: John Stuart Mill Format: Paperback Number of Pages: Discussed and debated from time immemorial, the concept of personal liberty went without codification until the 1859 publication of On Liberty....
A Brief Guide to Spiritual Classics: From Dark Night of the Soul to The Power of Now
Author: James M. Russell Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 224 This very readable brief guide examines a wide range of spiritual writing that can be read for enjoyment...
On Earth as in Heaven: Daily Wisdom for Twenty-First Century Christians
Author: Amy Weatherly Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 224 Is it just me Am I the only one who's lonely Am I the only one without friends If...
Lighting the Path: The Dalai Lama teaches on wisdom and compassion
Author: The Dalai Lama Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 272 In this accessible and important follow up to The Art of Happiness His Holiness the Dalai Lama teaches us how...
How to Give: An Ancient Guide to Giving and Receiving
Author: Seneca Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 288 To give and receive well may be the most human thing you can do - but it is also the closest you...
Freud and Yoga: Two Philosophies of Mind Compared
Author: Hellfried Krusche Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 224 Yoga philosophy and Freud's revolutionary approach to psychology could not have been developed in more different times, places, or...
30-Second Religion: The 50 most thought-provoking religious beliefs, each explained in half a minute
Author: Russell Re Manning Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 160 Whether you wish to understand the key differences between Catholicism and Protestantism, to glimpse the many gods of...
Pope Francis and the New Vatican
Author: David Yoder Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 256 Pope Francis' appointment to the papacy in 2013 electrified the world and injected a new energy into the Catholic Church. His...
Friendship and Other Essays
Author: Ralph Waldo Emerson Format: Paperback Number of Pages: In this collection of essays, Emerson reflects on friendship, love, heroism, and the other qualities which represent the nest humanity has...
Philosophical Provocations: 55 Short Essays
Author: Colin McGinn Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 328 Pithy, direct, and bold- essays that propose new ways to think about old problems, spanning a range of philosophical topics.In Philosophical...
Society and Puritanism in Pre-Revolutionary England
Author: Christopher Hill Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 464 In order to understand the English Revolution and Civil War we need to understand Puritanism. In this classic work of social...
NIV LUMO JESUS Books of the Bible: New Testament (Community Bible Experience)
Author: New International Version Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 544 The Books of the Bible (New Testament) is a revolutionary new presentation of Scripture that strips away centuries...
The Infinite City: Utopian Dreams on the Streets of London
Author: Niall Kishtainy Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 272 'Glorious' Guardian 'Vigorous, rigorous and eminently readable' SPECTATOR In his soaring new book, Niall Kishtainy draws us into the imaginative worlds...
Exploring Happiness: From Aristotle to Brain Science
Author: Sissela Bok Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 224 From the acclaimed author of Lying, a brilliant exploration of happiness set in the context of the world's great philosophers, leaders,...
Doomsday Cults: A Fatal Attraction
Author: Jonathan Moore Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 208 For hundreds of years seers and prophets have used the Bible s Book of Revelations to whip up hysteria and fear....
Author: Roberto Calasso Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 432 In a meditation on the wisdom of the Vedas, Roberto Calasso brings ritual and sacrifice to bear on the...
The Art of Self-Improvement: Ten Timeless Truths
Author: Anna Katharina Schaffner Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 280 A brilliant distillation of the key ideas behind successful self-improvement practices throughout history, showing us how they remain relevant today...
American Jesus: How The Son Of God Became A National Icon
Author: Stephen Prothero Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 384 Jesus the Black Messiah; Jesus the Jew; Jesus the Hindu sage; Jesus the Haight-Asbury hippie: these Jesuses join the...
Grail Alchemy: Initiation in the Celtic Mystery Tradition
Author: Mara Freeman (Mara Freeman) Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 288 An experiential guide to the spiritual path of the Holy Grail * Traces the evolution of the Holy Grail...
Witcraft: The Invention of Philosophy in English
Author: Jonathan Ree Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 768 An ambitious new history of philosophy in English that broadens the canon to include many lesser-known figures "[This] lively chronicle of...
Holy Bible English Standard Version (ESV) Fuel Bible
Author: Collins Anglicised ESV Bibles Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 1128 A vibrant and contemporary youth (12+) edition of the English Standard Version of the Bible, the world's fastest-growing Bible...
The Hard Good: Showing Up for God to Work in You When You Want to Shut Down
Author: Lisa Whittle Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 272 Learn how to see the good, again, even after hard times. What does it feel like to come back...
The Dawning Moon of the Mind
Author: Susan Brind Morrow Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 304 Buried in the Egyptian desert some four thousand years ago, the Pyramid Texts are among the world's oldest...
Philosophy of Dreams
Author: Christoph Turcke Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 304 A sweeping reconstruction of human consciousness and its breakdown, from the Stone Age through modern technology Why has humankind developed so...
Inside Opus Dei: The True, Unfinished Story
Author: Maria del Carmen Tapia Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 378 "A fascinating and disturbing book. . . a literary grenade seeking to blow apart Opus Dei's benign and exalted...
Death Throes of a Dynasty: Letters and Diaries of Charles and Bessie Ewing, Missionaries to China
Author: 0 Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 0 The letters of Charles and Bessie Ewing provide eyewitness accounts of the social upheaval and warfare that shook turn-of-the century China. In...
The Great Guide: What David Hume Can Teach Us about Being Human and Living Well
Author: Julian Baggini Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 328 Invaluable wisdom on living a good life from one of the Enlightenment's greatest philosophers David Hume (17111776) is perhaps best known...
In Search of the Soul: A Philosophical Essay
Author: John Cottingham Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 192 How our beliefs about the soul have developed through the ages, and why an understanding of it still matters today The...
On Tocqueville: Democracy and America
Author: Alan Ryan (Princeton University) Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 272 In On Tocqueville, Alan Ryan brilliantly illuminates the observations of the French philosopher who first journeyed to the United...
In the Cool Shade of Compassion: The Enchanted World of the Buddha in the Jungle
Author: Kamala Tiyavanich Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 208 A fascinating collection of stories of the Thai forest monks that illuminates the Thai Forest tradition as a vibrant, compassionate, and...
Holy Bible: English Standard Version (ESV) Encounter Bible
Author: Collins Anglicised ESV Bibles Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 1104 The Encounter Youth and Young Adults Bible is a modern and engaging edition of the anglicised ESV bible. This...
Sunnis and Shi'A: A Political History
Author: Laurence Louer Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 224 A compelling history of the ancient schism that continues to divide the Islamic world When Mohammed died in 632...
Against the Academics: St. Augustine's Cassiciacum Dialogues, Volume 1
Author: Saint Augustine Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 352 A fresh, new translation of Augustine's inaugural work as a Christian convert "Lively, engaging and accurate translations. . . . There...